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How do I automatically send a WhatsApp message to new registrant in WebinarJam?

  • 13 January 2023
  • 2 replies


In few days I’m holding a webinar in WebinarJam and I want to send a link to this webinar to the registrants via WhatsApp.
What Zap would you recommend to make it work?

As I see it, it could be:
1. WebinarJam (new registrant) → WATI (send message)
or maybe
2. WebinarJam (new registrant) → GoogleSheets (new row) → WATI (send message).

But maybe you could recommend anything better? 

Thank you in advance!

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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @InsiderWeek 

Good question.

MessageBird may also integrate with WhatsApp:

Hi @InsiderWeek, 

If you already have a WhatsApp Business Account API (WABA), you can connect to app such as MessageBird, WATI or Twillio and set up template messages to get this done.

Otherwise, you might also want to try to out Joyform in Zapier, which does not require WABA (see screenshot). It sends WhatsApp messages to you after an event is triggered which you can use to forward on to anybody in your contacts.