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Get Spreadsheet rows that are greater than or equal to a given value

  • 4 January 2024
  • 2 replies

I have a Google Sheets sheet with a Date column which contains datetime values in UTC. I’d like to have my zap get rows from that sheet only if they have a date from the last seven days.

I’ve been trying to use Lookup Spreadsheet Rows, but it seems like Lookup Value only accepts a single value, not a calculation. What I’d like is to do a calculation (“>= current datetime in UTC - 7 days”) and only get rows that match that criterion.

I’ve seen recommendations to add another column to my spreadsheet that returns TRUE if the Date value is greater than or equal to the current time minus 7 days, but I’d like to avoid having more filler columns. Is it possible to do this with Zapier?

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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @bookleaf 

Good question.

If using GSheets for that type of query you’d likely have to use an advanced approach with the GSheets API:


You can try creating a custom action with the help of AI.


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


A different approach would be to use Airtable instead of GSheets.

Airtable has Views which can have Filters to limit matching records.

Airtable has a Find Many Records (10 max) that supports a Search Formula.


Airtable also has the option for creating a custom action with the help of AI.