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Facebook Lead Ads not generating

  • 16 October 2020
  • 3 replies

Salve ho delle campagne obiettivo leads generation attive, una delle quali è collegata a Zapier.

Ogni qualvolta viene generato un lead, i dati vengono incorporati su un file di calcolo google e all’interno di una mail. Gli ultimi 3 leads generati non vengono piu’ conteggiati su zapier. Non so come uscirne, Facebbok mi dice che per loro è tutto ok e l’assistenza Zapier non risponde. Grazie a tutti.

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Troubleshooting Tips:

  1. Check your FB Lead Ads app connection is still properly authenticated in Zapier here:
  2. Check the Zap is still ON.
  3. Check the Task History to see if the Zap triggered in Zapier here:
  4. Did the Zap trigger but result in an error?



Hi, I have active leads generation target campaigns, one of which is linked to Zapier.

Whenever a lead is generated, the data is incorporated into a Google calculation file and into an email.
The last 3 leads generated are no longer counted on Zapier.
I don't know how to get out, Facebook tells me that everything is ok for them and Zapier assistance is not responding.
Thank you all.



Userlevel 1

Ho controllato tutti i passaggi suggeriti ed è tutto ok, non viene identificato nessun errore

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @fabio mason 

Just checking in, did you manage to get this sorted?