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Copying data in google sheets: values, not formulas without losing formatting

  • 13 May 2021
  • 5 replies

Hi, I have seen a post that answered this question by using zapier formatting to change the sheet to a CSV but this means I will loose the formulas within the sheet and will lose the formatting.

I want to copy a work sheet to a new spreadsheet, and have it look the same. 

From just copying it across, I get the formatting, the internal formulas, but not the lookup values relating to the original spreadsheet - just #REF. How can I make the cells relating to another spreadsheet paste values ,not formulas? But keep everything else.

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5 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

Hi, Samira! I think the CSV option is the only way to go here, though it does mean losing formatting. I think this would be a great feature request though!

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @Samira!

Thanks for your question :slight_smile: 

I want to make sure that I understand what you’d like to do so I can pass that on to the team. Am I correct in thinking that you want some of the formulas to stay in the sheet, but the Lookup Formulas to be changed to values, is that right? And are the lookup formulas referring to cells within the same sheet or cells in a different sheet? Thank you!

Hi Danvers,

Yes, I would like the self referential formulas to stay in the sheet but the ones that refer to the original spreadsheet I am copying from to paste as values - because I am only copying across a worksheet from a spreadsheet with lots of data in it.


I thought about doing it as a two step process where I copy the worksheet across and then copy the values I want across, but sadly it isnt’ as easy as Id hoped. There is no way to use something similar to merge fields in a spreadsheet is there? 


Thank you.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to use merge fields with Google Sheets 😔


For this one, it might be worth contacting the Support Team as they will be able to take a closer look at your sheet and Zap with you. I don’t know if they’ll be able to find a solution, but if not they can create a new feature request for you 🙂The best way to get in touch with the Support Team is using the Get Help form

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

Hey @Samira, hope you’re doing well, I just wanted to check in here!

Were you able to get this resolved with the information provided or can we still help out here?

I saw a ticket in our support channel for the same day, but it looks like that was regarding a different issue. If you can reach out to support via our Get Help form, our support members can have a closer look. :)