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connect my Instagram Account to Facebook page and also to Pinterest

  • 16 October 2022
  • 4 replies

Could someone please help me connect my Instagram Account to Facebook page and also to Pinterest?

I tried the step by step zap creator that zapier has, but it does not seem to work.

I am located in India, if that could matter.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @soraartstudio, welcome to the Community 🎉

If you’re new to Zapier, you may want to start with a few videos explaining the basics you can find some in the Zapier University 101 series.

For more information about connecting to Instagram and Facebook, check out these guides:

If you’d like some help from the Community, could you share some more detail about your Zap/s? For example, what you like the Zap to do (eg when I make a new post on Instagram then use that to add a post to my facebook page and create a new Pin). 

If you’ve started to make a Zap and are seeing an error, let us know what steps are in your Zap and where you’re seeing the error.



Hello Danvers ,


Thank you for these resources. So, good news, I could post content from Instagram to Facebook Page. However, all that I could see is links on my facebook page and not the actual content.

Could you please help me set up the zap in such a way that it replicates my instagram post onto facebook page (including captions, hashtags etc.)

Userlevel 5
Badge +7

Hey there @soraartstudio - I have a resource and a question. For the specific task of Instagram to Facebook, you can check out this article which walks through in a bit more detail.

Ultimately what will probably help us help you though is a printscreen of your current setup (keep in mind though to remove any personally identifying info, like email addresses!).  

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hi friends! 

I wanted to pop in and consolidate some of the resources mentioned here! Full transparency, Facebook settings and permissions can be super nuanced so being as specific as possible and sharing screenshots (with personal info removed) of zap setups are always super helpful to properly troubleshoot. 🙂

Anyways back to the cool stuff. Danvers had a ton of awesome links and recommendations:

If you’re new to Zapier, you may want to start with a few videos explaining the basics you can find some in the Zapier University 101 series.

For more information about connecting to Instagram and Facebook, check out these guides:


Rachel hunted down this blog article which has step by steps and screenshots to for posting to Facebook from Instagram and here’s another for Instagram to Pinterest.
I hope some of this is useful for ya’ll!

Happy Zapping. ⚡️
