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is there a way to implement pagination in the Legacy Web builder ?

  • 1 December 2022
  • 5 replies

We have a “New Contact” Trigger in the Legacy Web Builder. If my API has multiple pages the trigger is stopped with only the first page. it’s not getting the second-page result. is there any way to rectify this?


Thanks in Advance.

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5 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hi there,

I think you’re asking about the Visual Builder and not the Legacy Web Builder, which is no longer supported or available.

We have some documentation on implementing paging in the Visual Builder here. Can you give those a look and tell us if you have any questions or problems there?



Hi @shalgrim 

I am asking about only the legacy web builder , We have one trigger in this code builder. in this pagination possible?

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hey there,

Sorry for any confusion

We don’t have any more integrations on the Legacy Web Builder. They’ve been converted to the newer Visual Builder, and the documents I linked above are the ones to refer to.

The link you provide is how to manage your integration now that it’s been converted from the Legacy Web Builder to the Visual Builder.


But I have code in the legacy web builder and it’s still working. now, how can I move this to Visual Builder?

Is it possible to move the same or should I need to create a new trigger?

Userlevel 4
Badge +9

Hey @Nagamanickam 👋

To provide some background context on the complexity you're facing here, this app was originally built on a version of the Zapier Platform which is now deprecated, known as the "Legacy Web Builder". As such, the app has been converted as @shalgrim mentioned, in order to continue running without modification on the latest version of the Zapier Platform.

While legacy scripting can still be accessed and edited, new triggers/actions would be added via the new "Visual Builder" UI.

Here's a handy resource with more information on this now that the integrations have been converted from the "Web Builder" to the "Visual Builder": Maintaining Your Integration on the New Platform: Creating new triggers and actions

To follow the directions for pagination in the Visual Builder from that link: - yes, it would be best to create a new trigger in a new version of your integration that you would need to promote for new users to access. Any new triggers added will be in the new Visual Builder interface, while currently your New Contact trigger is in the converted Legacy Web Builder interface. 

It is possible for you to attempt to add into the Legacy Web Builder scripting under the Advanced tab as described here: - however best practice would be rather starting afresh with a new trigger built in the Visual Builder, to implement the current guide to pagination.

Since you’re developing for a Public integration, please go ahead and submit a ticket from so we can best assist you with any remaining questions 👍