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Zapier populating w/Meta Leads but not sending emails

  • 20 March 2023
  • 2 replies

Hi -


We are having a problem within Zapier where all of the info from our Lead Gen campaigns is populating (in the Zapier platform), but never gets sent out to the emails on file. We’ve checked spam, etc. and no luck. We also setup Test Zaps to see if it would fire, and it did, so we’re struggling to find out the disconnect. 


Any help is appreciated.


Hi @mrini76 

Good question.

You will need to post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in order for us to have enough context, thanks.

Hi there,

Some troubleshooting questions…

  1. Are you sending to more than one email address? Are all those addresses not receiving the emails, or just some?
  2. When setting up the Zap, did you test the send email step? Did all of the email addresses receive that email?

That might get us pointed in the right direction...