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Zap is not triggering when clicking on the ClickUp checkbox field

  • 12 June 2024
  • 4 replies


So I have a Zap which is normally triggered by clicking on a custom field in my tasks in click up.
The custom field is a checkbox named “Staffing Confirmed”, which is supposed, when it’s triggered, to send a mail with a lot of informations to my coworkers.


My problem is, when I tick the box on click up, Zapier don’t react, the only way to send the mail is to test every steps manually, I can’t run the zap automatically, and I don’t know why.

Zapier take in count every new tasks created in my list, not only those which “staffing confirmed” is true. Is there a better way to succeed my automation ?

Hi @MaxBot 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

Hello @MaxBot, welcome to the Community! 🎉 

Sorry to hear of the troubles with this. Hmm, I’m wondering if there’s an issue with the custom field that’s been selected. 🤔

In the “What Changed?” field on the trigger can you temporarily try selecting a standard (i.e. not a custom field) instead and run a quick test with the Zap switched on to see if it successfully triggers the Zap?

If it does trigger - then that would suggest that the issue may be linked to the custom field. Or perhaps, were these new tasks that were created and then had the “Staffing Confirmed” checkbox selected shortly after? Another thing I’m wondering about is whether the tasks might have been created and had the checkbox ticked before ClickUp’s API had a chance to “see” the previous state of the checkbox being not selected. Do you think that might be the case, or were they all tasks that had been added and then had the “Staffing Confirmed” checkbox selected on a later date?

If it still doesn’t trigger - then it may indicate a deeper issue or bug with the Task Changes trigger for ClickUp. In which case I’d suggest reaching out to the Support team here so that they can review the logs for your Zap to investigate this issue further and open a bug report if necessary.

Looking forward to hearing from you on this!


Hello, thanks for your replies,

Here is a picture of the step that causes trouble:


“In the “What Changed?” field on the trigger can you temporarily try selecting a standard (i.e. not a custom field) instead and run a quick test with the Zap switched on to see if it successfully triggers the Zap?”


I tried to change the trigger to the “Priority” part on Click Up, but it doesn’t change anything :/


As you can see, I can’t run the zap manually, and it doesn’t trigger alone:

If it does trigger - then that would suggest that the issue may be linked to the custom field. Or perhaps, were these new tasks that were created and then had the “Staffing Confirmed” checkbox selected shortly after? Another thing I’m wondering about is whether the tasks might have been created and had the checkbox ticked before ClickUp’s API had a chance to “see” the previous state of the checkbox being not selected. Do you think that might be the case, or were they all tasks that had been added and then had the “Staffing Confirmed” checkbox selected on a later date?

I think my problem is that Zapier take in count every tasks that is created in my list, and not only those that are triggered with “Staffing Confirmed” (seen in the records in the “Test” part of my trigger).

Those tasks can be created 1 or 2 months before I click on this checkbox, and so, often, if I do it manually, step by step in the Zap, I can’t even find the record of the task I just clicked on (hidden by the 10 other tasks that were created during this period).

Is there a solution ? Or did I use Zapier/ Click Up the bad way ?


Sorry if there’s mistakes, english isn’t my first language

Thanks for your time and your precious answers !


Thanks for getting back to me with those details @MaxBot.

This is very odd! I set up a ClickUp account just now and did some testing and was able to get the Task Changes trigger to run on updates to a task where a custom field checkbox is selected:

You mentioned that the tasks are created 1-2 months prior, so maybe we’re only able to see updates for tasks that were created within a certain time frame. To test theory that can you add a new task to the Propales avant-vente list in ClickUp then check the Staffing Confirmed checkbox on it to see if it successfully triggers the Zap?

Thanks for your assistance on this, I look forward to your reply! 
