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WooCommerce to Capsule CRM integration not auto-creating customers despite successful tests

  • 16 July 2024
  • 7 replies

I have been trying for some time now for new orders placed in WOO COMMERCE to auto create customer in CAPSULE CRM.

When the test is run the customer is created and falls into capsule with all the correct information as it should.

When it is left to auto do it. None of the customers drop in.

@zapier said that it was the webhooks, but our webhooks are activated and fine.

I literally have no idea why on earth a 2 step command is just such a Palava to fix.


Here is what i have set up…


Why on earth can it not work?


Any insight would be greatly recieved, Thankyou in advance.





Hi @Nobisemma 

Zaps work while turned ON for new data going forward.

Have there been new Orders since the Zap was turned ON?

Check your Zap Runs history for activity:


WooCommerce help links for using in Zaps that may provide guidance:

@Troy Tessalone Thankyou for your response. The zap has been ON for over a month. No activity is ever recorded in the history section because it is not generating any transfers. 

Thankyou for the link, but we have executed every trouble shooter between woo commerce and Zapier, to no avail.


If Zap Runs are not being triggered then it’s likely an issue with one or a combo of these:

  • WooCommerce Zap app connection
  • Zap trigger step configuration
  • WooCommerce in WordPress
    • May be impacted by other plugins


Yes i know. The problem i have is nobody can tell me what the actual problem is or where it lays. And you know what i have done about 1500 pages of trouble shooting, uninstalled ,reinstalled, troubleshot and still no one can point out where the problem is.


I am just about to attempt to get AI to do it to see how that configures is. and ill be blown away if it is a success.


WordPress is highly customizable so there may be a plugin conflict or configuration causing the webhook not to fire.


A possible workaround is to use this Zap trigger: Webhook - Catch Hook


I have had the AI set up the sequence and this has happened..


I pushed orders through, and now it is completely set up as automated. However we have just had some new orders come in and they just still are not falling in. I can manually push them, but surely this should be automated to create the customer is capsule.

Hi there @Nobisemma,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

If you are experiencing delays with large orders or your Zap is not triggering at all, please refer to this resource for troubleshooting:

In addition, if the Zap isn't triggering, please check the following:

  1. Verify the PayPal Payment Processor settings:
  2. Refer to this troubleshooting guide:

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, please reach out to the Woocommerce app team for further assistance. They manage the WooCommerce integration and app and are better equipped to help you with this matter:

Hopefully, this helps!

