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Uteach slug fails to connect to Zapier

  • 23 May 2024
  • 6 replies


Im trying to create formaloo submission tu uteach new student (sending photo).

Zapier states as valid de connection (via api and domain, after testing it says it is connected).

But the i prompts me to add the slug of the course i want the user to be enrolled. I tried with /, without, the whole url, nothing seems to work!

Hi @agenciaeremo 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in EDIT mode so we can see the field types and field descriptions.

Also, include any errors.

“This post has been edited by a moderator to remove personal information. Please remember that this is a public forum and to remove any sensitive information prior to posting.”


here it goes!



Can you posts screenshots of the encountered errors after testing the Uteach step?


Seems like the Course Slug field would expect the value configure on the Course in the part that is related to the Friendly URL.

Probably without the leading /


Thanks Troy for the help!

So i actually think just figured it out, but it was not related to the error showed.

It had nothing to do with the course url/slug, not even with or without adding “/” or full url, but if the course is set to public view or not. It was set to “private” because i want it that way, only to add students i want, not to be available to everyone.

Thanks for the help

i will see what to do 


Hi @agenciaeremo,

That’s awesome news @agenciaeremo! We’re glad to hear that the issue is now resolved!

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help! 🤗
