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Unable to receive emails from

  • 20 March 2024
  • 9 replies

I have a few Zaps that send emails to myself (i.e. a list of upcoming client birthdays). I’d noticed that I hadn’t seen any emails for a while and logged into my domain’s cPanel and noticed that emails sent from are being blocked… but only for some of the Zaps. I receive the expected email from some zaps, but not others.

I inquired with my host’s support and they told me:


Zapier's sending IP addresses are on blocklists... SORBS and UCEPROTECTL1

This is something those senders have to clear up.

JunkMail rejected - .]:41400 is in an RBL: Blocked - see


Any idea how to fix this? It strikes me as odd that this is suddenly an issue - I’ve never had issues receiving email from until recently.

Hi @wma_brian 

Some options:

  • Try whitelisting the domain:
  • Try using a different email app. (e.g. Gmail, etc.)

My host already mentioned: “You can't whitelist them as they are blocked before they get to you.”

I’m not sure what you mean about trying a different app - the issue is with emails from Zapier reaching my server in the first place.

Hi @wma_brian,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

I’d recommend reaching out to our Support Team regarding this issue so that they can check if your email is in the suppression list and remove that email in the list if it is.

You can reach our Support Team here:

Hopefully, this helps!


To give us full context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined so we can see which apps are being used in the Zap steps.


If you are using Email by Zapier, then try changing that Zap step to use Gmail or Outlook to send the email.


The solution is to not use Email by Zapier? This Zap has been running successfully for quite some time - it’s only of late that I haven’t been getting the email generated by the last step. According to my email provider, the issue lies with the IP that Zapier is sending the email, which is blacklisted.

I have other Zaps that use the “Email by Zapier” step as well and those ones are working fine. So, some IPs are fine, others are not.


Here’s how my Zap is set up:


Hi @wma_brian 

Best practice is to use an email app that you own the account to such as via Gmail or Outlook.

I’m surprised to hear that, as I’ve been receiving emails sent using this Zap since May/22 without issue. Is it no longer reliable?



In general, I advise clients not to use the free Email by Zapier app to send critical emails due to limitations and other issues like this.


If you use an email app account that you own (e.g. Gmail, Outlook, etc.), then it allow you to have access to troubleshoot these types of issues.


The Email by Zapier Zap app is a free app that uses another app to send out the emails using shared/rotated IPs, which can become compromised for many reasons.



OK, thanks. I’ll swap it out for my Gmail account!
