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Unable to Extract Contact Custom Fields Value from Cvent

I’m attempting to pull a list of registrants from Cvent into a Google sheet. Some of the information I need are custom contact fields: Organization, Industry and Country.


I’m using the Utilities in Formatter by Zapier - Line Items to Text to parse the questions and answers. The ‘question’ portion outputs correctly, however, the ‘answer’ portion is resulting in an incorrect result -- it keeps outputting all the answer values vs the corresponding one. The separator is a comma. How do I get the ‘answer’ portion to output correctly?


Below is how the data is structured:

Custom Field Question: Organization,Country/State/Province,Industry


Below and attached are screenshots with how the Zap is set up:





Hi @Dconnors 

Follow this guide:


Hi @Troy Tessalone That is the guide I was using. I just got stuck on the Action: Formatter > Utilities > Line Items to Text step because of the way the ‘answer’ portion is outputting.


Can you post screenshots with the DATA OUT that is returned from Cvent for those related fields?


NOTE: From the Guide, use a different separator, carrot ^ instead of comma.


Guide shows:


Your screenshot:


Hi @Troy Tessalone I’ve tried that and it doesn’t make a difference. I still get the same output. 


Can you post screenshots with the DATA OUT that is returned from Cvent for those related fields?

So we can see the original data structure you are trying to use.

It may be that the array is nested, and thus becomes flattened in the Zap, which means a more advanced approach would have to be used.

Hi @Troy Tessalone, this is the DATA OUT returned from Cvent.




If that is how the data is returned from Cvent in the Zap step, then the data is a comma delimited list rather than an array of items, which is why the guide you followed is not producing the desired results.


Try this workaround:

Add 2 Formatter steps for each data point before using the Formatter > Utilities > Line Items to Text step as instructed by the guide.


Action: Formatter > Utilities > Text to Line Items (Split by comma)

That will turn the strings to line items.


Then map the 2 Formatter step outputs to be the 2 input variables with the | and the ^ Separator.




Hi @Troy Tessalone It still doesn’t seem to be working. See screenshots below of the Zaps:

Text to Line Items - Contact Custom Fields Name:



Text to Line Items - Contact Custom Fields Value:



Line Items to Text:




From the screenshots below, something is still amiss with the data because it’s returning an array (1-5) where each array item has an inner array (1).

Likely is a result of how the data is originally output from Cvent.

Hard to tell without seeing more screenshots with all the DATA OUT form the Cvent setp.


Below it’s creating multiple arrays (1, 2) within arrays (1-8).


There is something odd with the data output from Cvent. I’m having issues figuring that out but will keep you posted if i do. Thanks again for your help @Troy Tessalone.


Did you figure it out?

Hi @Troy Tessalone I haven’t figured this out and Cvent’s customer support hasn’t really been helpful in confirming how the data outputs for the custom field values.


If the data comes thru for the Q&A, then it likely have be handled, but may need an advanced approach to do so.


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