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The Zap overwrites predefined formulas in Google Sheets


Every time my zap is triggered, it passes some data to my Google Sheet. But all the formula that where already predefine in the new row are deleted even though I’ve left those fields blank in the Zap. 

This issue has already been brought up in the community twice from what I can find:

But neither answer to these instances address the issue. Is this being worked on or is there a way to maintain the values in the Google Sheet cells that I tell Zapier to leave empty?

Hi @mbauman92,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

I believe Zaps don’t work well with formulas. I’ve been seeing some reports that using an Import Range formula on a different sheet to resolve this issue. You could try an import range formula on a different sheet. Send the data to sheet 1 from the Zap. Then use the import range formula on the second sheet to have your formulas.

Additionally,  Zaps do not see rows with formulas as blank, and therefore will insert new rows below them - which do not contain that formula.

Instead, you can either:

A) Incorporate the formula directly into your Zap. This will work only if all variables needed in the formula are available to map within the Zap. Here's a guide on how to do this: Link to guide

B) Use an =IMPORTRANGE formula in another sheet set up to reference the sheet the Zap is posting new rows in. This formula allows you to pull in all the values the Zap is adding as well as insert formulas as you'd like, as this is a separate worksheet that the Zap can't see.

C) Try using =ARRAYFORMULA(). This is an advanced suggestion and can be used if you are comfortable with spreadsheet formulas.

Hopefully, this helps!

Thanks! I’d like to avoid making another tab.

Could I make a rule in the Zap for the columns with formulas? Like “Ignore”

Hi @mbauman92,

I believe that won’t work since Zaps don’t work well with Formulas in Google Sheets. The only workaround that I can see is the ones I mentioned above.

I’m so sorry if this isn’t the response you’re hoping for.

@mbauman92  and @ken.a I was able to make it so my formula was pasted into the “Update” step and used the row ID from the “Lookup” step to make sure that it entered the correct info each time.



Thanks so much for sharing the solution you implemented here @David W. Baker - it’s very much appreciated! 🤗

@mbauman92 - were you able to give that approach working for you too?

If not I’d suggest giving those Array Formulas that Ken mentioned a try. They’re a bit advanced but there’s a detailed guide here that helps to explain how to use them:

Keen to assist if you’re running into any issues so please do let us know how you’re getting on with this! 🙂