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The Zap isn't creating orders in from opt-ins, despite successful test

  • 20 May 2024
  • 9 replies

I am trying to create a zap but doesn't work:

  1. New Optin in
  1. Create Order in

When it test it it ads automatically in the test field the information of someone (maybe that is the problem)

It says test successful but doesn't work, when someone signs up or sign in form the funnel page it doesn't create the order in Ive tried other triggers and actions like tags instead of orders but don't work. Both accounts ( and  are linked correctly).

Hi @Olin 

To help us have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

This post has been edited by a moderator to remove personal information. Please remember that this is a public forum and to remove any sensitive information prior to posting.

Thank you for your reply here are the screenshots. 



Only 1 of the screenshots uploaded.




Check your Zap Runs history details to see activity and the DATA IN/OUT for each step to help you troubleshoot:


If the Zap is not triggering, then that may be an issue with how your Zap trigger step is configured or with, as it should be instant once the Thank You page is completed.



Zap is not triggering. Im very lost here. What can I do?


You may want to try reaching out to Support for possible guidance troubleshooting the use of their Zap app integration.

I am having the same issues, Zapier is pulling the information through from Systeme but its failing to transfer the same information over to (tried several Zap’s with a few different profiles all from systeme, none have created a new client in

Hi @FitBegin,

I’m so sorry for the delayed response here.

Could you please try reconnecting your account? After that, please try triggering the Zap again and check the Zap History to see if the Zap will trigger.

Additionally, we have a help article when Zaps don’t trigger:

