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Slack message attachments saved to Google Drive are corrupted

  • 6 June 2024
  • 7 replies

Hello, I have created a zap that triggers every time a new message is posted in our slack #news channel. I want any messages that have an attachment (be it a PDF or XLS etc.) to be stored in a folder on google drive. 

The Zap works - however, the content that is stored on the google drive is corrupted. I cannot open any of the PDFs and get an error. 

Please advise how to fix this!

Hi @zzizzoo 

To provide more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.




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Attached screen shots! The Zap works, the problem is the file is corrupted on the drive. I read somewhere there needs to be a delay to allow enough time for it to download the message and then send it, but i can’t seem to add a delay within the action of the file upload. I can only delay between the new message posted and the action of uploading it on the google drive… 

Have tried including a delay between the two steps the result is the same. 


Try using this Zap trigger: Slack - New File

You can filter by Channel.



The File field expects a file url or a file object instead of a file title.

Help article about sending files in Zaps:


Hey just tried that, it worked again -- but the file is still corrupted on the google drive - can’t open the PDF


We would need to see updated screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured to have current context.

Okay got it to work!!!!! thank you! Mapping was wrong, need to select the file it self even though its not show -- selecting the download link was the issue.

Yay! Nice working in getting to the bottom of what was causing the issue here @zzizzoo! 🙌

Sounds like you might be all set for now, but if anything changes on that do let us know - always happy to assist if you run into any further issues or questions. 

In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️
