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Shopify Tagging Timing Issue

  • 30 September 2022
  • 4 replies

Trying to get a zap to work but keep hitting a timing issue that needs to be resolved on the Zapier side as Shopify is running as fast as its going to.


Workflow looks like this:


Customer Places order In Shopify

Whole Order Is Tagged in Shopify 


Zap is run using - 

Trigger - New Paid Order in Shopify 

Filter - Only continue if the order contains the specific tag 

Action - Send Email 


We keep running into the issue where Zapier is pulling the informaton too quickly so orders are getting tagged in shopify but AFTER they have gone through the above process so the emails are not getting sent out. 


I have tried running using the Trigger - Updated Order in Shopify but this doesn’t look like it treats the tags being added as an update so does not run successfully. 


Is there a way we can delay the file information being pulled into zapier so the  order tags have chance of being pulled in OR set up the Tagging so it counts as an updated order?


Thanks ! 

Hi @Zapper123 

Good question.

Unfortunately there is no Zap action for Shopify Find Order otherwise you could add a Delay step then refind the Shopify Order to get the most updated data.

You’d likely have to look into using the Shopify API:

App APIs can be used in Zaps with the Webhooks app as an action step:

@Zapper123 Circling back to see if you have any other questions regarding Shopify capabilities or if Shopify API Webhooks option is working out for you?

Hi there! I wanted to pop in and confirm @Troy Tessalone is correct - a search for “Find Order” isn’t available with Shopify at the moment. 😔

That said, there is an open feature request that I added your vote to, @Zapper123! This will ensure you’re emailed if and when this gets implemented.

You could use the Shopify API and Webhooks by Zapier if you’re comfortable as Troy mentioned! It’s worth mentioning this is a little more of an advanced approach so support for this may be limited.

If you’re up for it here are a few resources to get you started if you’d like to give that a shot:

I hope some of this helps! 

Hey folks,

Just popping by to share that a Get Order by ID search action has been added to the Shopify app on Zapier! 🎉

This action will search for an order by it’s ID and retrieve all of the available details for it. If you’re not seeing this search action available in your Zaps you will need to upgrade to the latest version in order to access it. You can find out more about how to upgrade apps in Zapier here: Update to the latest app version in Zaps

We hope you’re able to give it a try soon and if you run into any trouble with it please do reach out in the Community or get in touch with Support to flag any issues. 

In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️