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Salesforce disconnects and gets an error: This auth is expired.

I am trying to create a new Zap using the Salesforce Essentials integration, however immediately after authenticating I receive the error “This auth is expired.” I have re-authenticated several times and each time it immediately expires. I am a system administrator on our Salesforce instance and have verified that the account has API access enabled. How can I get this integration to authenticate successfully?


Hi @Pinky 

Good question.

Have you reviewed the available help articles for using Salesforce in Zaps?



Yes, I reviewed for about 30 minutes prior to posting this and didn’t come up with anything useful.


Since Salesforce has so many settings/permissions/options it can be a bit intricate to diagnose.

You can try opening a ticket with Zapier Support:


Shouldn’t someone know which permissions are required for the integration to work? I can’t find that anywhere in the documentation.


Did you check these?


Error: "This connection to Salesforce appears to no longer be working"

If you run into this error this means your Salesforce account has exceeded the 5 connection app access limit. To resolve this, follow these steps:

  1. Review your connected apps in Salesforce to make sure you have a token that you can use with Zapier.
  2. Connect/reconnect your Salesforce account either within the Zap Editor or on your My Apps.



A Salesforce admin for your organization has blocked the Zapier integration from your account. To unblock, an admin will need to do the following:

  • Navigate to Setup > Manage Apps > Connect Apps OAuth Usage
  • Look for the 'Zapier' Connected App
  • If the "Action' button for the Zapier app says "Unblock", then this Connected App has been blocked.
  • To unblock Zapier, click the "Unblock" button
  • To proceed, review the dialog box that appears and click "OK"


Error: "TotalRequests Limit exceeded"

This error means the number of times Zapier is allowed to ask Salesforce for data has been exceeded for your connected account, as there are Salesforce API Request Limits.

There are 2 ways Salesforce limits requests to their API:
1. Requests within a 20-second period (called "concurrent" requests)
2. Total API requests within a 24-hour period

To resolve you have a couple of options:

  • Upgrading to a Salesforce plan with more users and higher request limits will stop this error from occurring.
  • If you have Zaps using the Updated Record Triggers, you can consider using the Updated Field on Record Trigger to scope down the number of updates your Zap triggers on.
  • If you have Zaps using New/Updated Record Triggers, you can consider creating a Salesforce outbound message workflow and switching the Trigger to “New Outbound message”.

I did. I went through all of the errors I could find in the docs and this one is not listed.


This might be your best best:

You can try opening a ticket with Zapier Support:

I’m just on the free tier so when I tried doing that it directed me here.


You can try searching other Zapier Community Topics:

Right, I did that already and didn’t find a similar error or a list of required permissions for Salesforce, thus I created a new post, this one, here.


Only Zapier Support has access to the Zap app connection logs which might provide more clues as to why the connection keeps disconnecting automatically.


@Pinky ,

In the logs I see this error: “You are not allowed to use this app. Please use the regular Salesforce app”

Can you try using the Salesforce integration instead of the Salesforce Essentials one?

@Pinky Did you ever get this resolved? I am having the same issue and have been going back and forward with Salesforce and Zapier support with no luck.


