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Not syncing Calendars from Exchange

  • 4 January 2024
  • 3 replies

The Exchange Calendar is syncing not all of my exchange calendars, somehow I have 2 of them for one exchange account.
Clanedar 1: Syncing to Zappier
Calendar2 (important one): ist not syncing

I don’t know if its important but Calendar 1 got the calendar entries from MicrosoftTeams
Calendar 2: Got entries from MacOS/IOs

The server from our host is:

Welcome to the Community, @JulianAUT🎉

When you say it’s not syncing, is it that new calendar events are not triggering your Zaps? Or is it more that new calendar events are not being added to the calendars by your Zaps? 

And were the both Zaps previously syncing correctly or has the Zap linked to Calendar2 never synced properly?

Also, if you could share screenshots of the existing setup of the Zaps involved that would be super helpful to us in getting some more context on what might be causing the issue here. We’re unable to look into your Zaps ourselves so any screenshots you could send over would be much appreciated. Remember to remove/hide any private information (like names, emails, addresses etc.) from any screenshots before sharing.

Thanks, looking forward to your reply! 

Hey @SamB,
Zapier is not even getting the Events. Somehow the only Events that are recognised by Zapier are Teams-Meetings.

I have one exchange account but in that account are two calendars (I don’t know why). Zapier is only geeting the infos from 1 calendar



Thanks for getting back to me @JulianAUT. That’s very strange indeed the Zaps should be able to pick up any new events added to either calendar.

If you make a new Zap and use the Microsoft Outlook app for the trigger instead of the Microsoft Exchange one does that allow you to see the correct events? Just wondering if the Microsoft Outlook app’s New Calendar Event trigger might behave differently. 🤔

Also, is there a difference between the types of events that it is able to see? For example are the team meetings that it’s picking up recurring events? In which case it might indicate that it’s only able to see recurring events on that calendar for some reason.

Let me know how that goes, keen to help get to the bottom of this!
