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Nifty error: The app returned "project_id should not be empty".

  • 15 June 2024
  • 6 replies

I’m getting this error when testing a Zap that attempts to pull from NiftyPM when a new file is uploaded and pop the new file into Dropbox. I know the connections are good because I can get the Zap to run with the expected results using the same project if I am not trying to copy a file.

Error code: Error while retrieving: The app returned "project_id should not be empty".

A Google and help search of this error doesn’t return much. Has anyone seen this before?


Hi @Karessa 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode along with the encountered error.

Thank you, Troy!



Hi there @Karessa,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

Could you please double-check the selected project in the “Project” field of the Nifty trigger? Additionally, you can also try to input the Project ID of your desired project in the “Project” field as a custom value.

I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!

Thanks so much, Ken!

The selected project, Catalyst LDP, appears to be correct. Zapier populated a dropdown list of projects when I connected the Nifty account and this one was selected from it, which seems to suggest a solid connection with the project. 


(But also, I can’t find anything referencing project id in Nifty itself. Would it be unheard of for the application to lack an id field for something like this?)

Hi @Karessa,

Thanks for the update.

You might be running into a bug here. I recommend reaching out to our Support Team to create a bug report on your behalf, or you can reach out to Nifty support about the issue you’re running into when using their app in Zapier since they maintain and update their integration with Zapier.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.
