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My Zap keeps on disconnecting from WordPress to GetResponse?

  • 5 July 2024
  • 5 replies

Hi everyone, I have a zaps that adds newly registered users on my WordPress website to a GetResponse mailing list. But the problem is that my Zaps keeps disconnecting and I have to always come back to reconnect. How do I fix the issue?

Hi @TechWriteable,


Welcome to the community. Can you please post a screenshot with the error message so we can check what is happening with your Zap? Please obscure any sensitive information within the screenshot for security purposes. We want to ensure that we’re on the same page so we can point you in the right direction. Thanks.

Here’s the error I get, I keep reconnecting and the same thing keeps happening

Hi there @TechWriteable,

This issue could be related to the installed plugins in WordPress. In general, it's probably good measure to temporarily disable all plugins while you try the connection attempt. That being said, we understand that some plugins are integral to the site functionality - if you want to start with the ones we commonly see trouble with, those are:

  • Jetpack, Wordfence Security, iThemes Security, WP Rocket, JWT Auth, WP-SpamShield, WP Content Copy Protection & No Right Click, Limit Login Attempts Reloaded, SiteGuard WP Plugin, IP Geo Block, WPS Hide Login, reCaptcha by BestWebSoft, Profile Builder.

Additionally, if you happen to use Cloudways or Cloudflare, we've had a few users report that they needed to enable "XMLRPC Access” in "Application Settings > General" to get the Zapier connection established. 

Hopefully, this helps!

Hey there,

Unfortunately, I’ve been seeing the same issue, and I don’t have any of the apps mentioned above.


It connects and disconnects after a few hours.

Hi @Michal Kankowski,

Before we dig deeper into this, could you please let me know the plugin that you have installed in WordPress? This will help me to provide the best possible suggestion.

