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My Zap is running quadruple tasks without any recent changes.

  • 20 October 2023
  • 6 replies

As you can see, I’m a newby to Zapier. 
I haven’t changed my Zap since the 16th of October. I should have had fewer task runs on the 20th than any of the previous days. My Zap uses 2 task per run. All of a sudden it is running quadruple the task of the previous 4 days combined. What is going on and why all of a sudden?

The Zap should have only run 9 times resulting in 18 task. Instead the zap ran 86 times using 172 tasks. 

Hi there @YourMaxTV,

Before we dig deeper into this, could you please send a full page screenshot of your Zap History? Please ensure that it’s showing the timestamp of the Zap runs. Here’s an example:

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The 20th is the day in question. 

As you can see I have set the date to filter just the Zap runs for the 20th. There are 8 total pages.

The 9 accounts with the 18th Due Dates were the accounts that I upgraded on the 20th, These are the only accounts that should have been updated resulting pn 18 tasks used. 

Wouldn’t it be easier for both of us if you went into my Zappier account and looked at the Zap history yourself?

Hi @YourMaxTV,

Thanks for the screenshots and additional details.

Looking at the Zap runs, it looks like the Zap triggered multiple times under a short amount of time. Now, I’m not exactly sure why this happened since my troubleshooting tools are quite limited and I don’t have the ability to go into your Zapier account and dig through the Zap logs.

Additionally looked for your open ticket to our Support Team and it seems like your ticket is under our Billing & Accounts Team. Our B&A Team is getting a lot of requests than usual. I’d recommend opening a new ticket to our Support Team and ensure that the ticket is labeled correctly. I suggest using the “Zap Troubleshooting” or the “Something else” label:

(view larger)

You can open a new ticket here:

Rest assured that our Support Team will take a look at your concern and dig deeper into the Zap to determine the cause of the issue.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.

I have submitted a new ticket as suggested

Thanks for your assistance in this matter.

You are most welcome @YourMaxTV!

I’m glad I was able to point you in the right direction.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m always happy to help! 😊
