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Loop by Zapier is returning a compilation of the values X times instead of X different values

  • 26 June 2024
  • 7 replies

Hey guys - first time using loops by zapier in the wild :D 

I’ve got a database that is populated daily by a team. They record their entries each day - sometimes there’s none, sometime’s there’s 4 or 5. I built a zap that scans new entries each day and then sorts them into one of 5 spreadsheets. For yesterday, for example, there were 5 entries. I used loops for this but I did something wrong, as instead of filtering each data point out, it has posted the combined entry 5 times. Photos attached of the result in the spreadsheet, the data from the zap, and the way the zap is built out. 



Hi there @therealkenobi,

Before we dig deeper into this, could you please send a screenshot of your Looping by Zapier and Create Spreadsheet Row action steps setup? Please ensure that you capture all of the fields so that I can take a closer look on this.

Please don't include personal information in the screenshot, or be sure blur out any personal information.


Sure thing - event is “create loop from line items”. Iteration is 1 and max is 500. The way it’s supposed to work is the returned company value will have a corresponding “company data” value. The other 4 should return blank/nonexistent. I’ve got a filter below this step that will then check to make sure that the returned company matches the company I’m filtering for for AND a value for it exists. Basically, each entry should have 4 of the 5 company values blank and only one proceeds through the filter. Does that make sense? 


Create spreadsheet row:

This one as a test set has no data because it’s not supposed to go down the filtered path I screen shotted, but every path is identical in structure. 


Hi @therealkenobi 

You need to map the variables returned from the Looping step to the Filter/GSheet steps that come after the Looping step.

Hey Troy - apologies for the delay here, was out of town. So you’re saying map the values from step 6 (the loop) instead of from step 5 (the lookup)? 


To iterate items, map data in to the Looping step, then map data out from the Looping step.

That solved it - thanks a ton! Reviewed it successfully with the client earlier today. 

That’s an amazing news @therealkenobi! A huge thanks to Troy for lending a hand and for pointing you in the right direction!

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help! 🤗
