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LinkenId error: The response.content property is not available. Try response.body.pipe() for streaming

  • 10 October 2023
  • 5 replies


I hope you are doing well.

How to post youtube video url on LinkedIn automatically?

I tried but I am getting the following error:


Please help me.


Hi @veajawad 

Good question.

We would need to see how your Zap step is configured with screenshots.


I hope you are doing well.

Thanks a lot for your response.

Here you go:










Waiting for the help.




The Content - Image URL field expects 1 image url.


This change fixed it. Thanks a lot :-)

Yay! 😁🎉 Thanks for confirming that worked, @veajawad. So pleased Troy was able to help point you in the right direction here! 🙌

If you need any further assistance at all please do reach out to the Community again. We’re always happy to help if you ever get stuck at all! 🤗 
