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LeadConnector (Go High Level) - Stage Changes - Stopped working

GHL has Lead connector.  I use the trigger for LeadConnector pipeline change to kick off a series of automations.

Its been working for months, no issues.

Recently the instant pipeline changes isn’t firing an event, and thus the automation doesn’t run.

Running the zap manually I see the new records, and the zap still works.  Manually moving the pipeline doesn’t fire it anymore either.  Its like the instant trigger stopped working, and stopped working with Zapier.

It does run sometimes though, and that's successful, its not kicking any errors out, its just not firing, its not starting.  So Zap History is 100%.

Any ideas, or anything else I can look into?

Hi @Iceburg 

GHL Status page:

Make sure your data matches the configured Zap trigger step conditions in GHL.

You may need to try reaching out to GHL Support for help troubleshooting why their webhooks are not firing for the Zap trigger event.


Status good on GHL, No help here, call someone else’s help is your advise?  Is there logs or anything that I can watch the webhooks, or a way to validate that Zapier got them or not?


Zapier had some recent/ongoing incidents related to Zap Runs which may be involved in your issue:


You can try opening a ticket with Zapier Support for possible help in reviewing the logs. (

Hello, we’re also experiencing the same issues. Testing the zap works fine, but when the zap is running nothing happens...are there any other action triggers we can use besides pipeline changed? That’s the only one i’m seeing now.

Having the same issue. The Pipeline change is supposed to fire a zapier and add data to google sheets. I can see the pipeline change on GHL side on time. And then it take a whole day and hours for the zap to fire. Yesterday I ended up manually adding the records only to find out that they have been added by zapier again as duplicate this morning. This is so annoying. Who is supposed to fix this? Zapier or GHL?

Yes we have the same issue here and have since Friday. Zapier confirmed a number of users flagged the issue to them on Friday, but issue still remains.

I’d advise anyone else having this issue to flag a support request with Zapier and GHL.

Possible workaround...

Webhooks in GHL Workflows.


Zap trigger: Webhook - Catch Hook


Facing the same issue, mighr switch to because of this kind of unreliability. Extremely frustrating

Make is  a lot cheaper too. I had to use it for another project of mine as the number of requests are very high and zapier would cost a fortune. The only problem is that make uses webhooks only (I may be mistaken) and that was a reason I actually stuck to zapier as the setup is easier.


Hi friends,

I did some digging into this, and it seems like the issue you’re running into is a known bug with LeadConnector where the “Pipeline Stage Changed” trigger is not triggering. Our team is aware of the issue and we're working with LeadConnector on a fix. I've added your email address as another affected user. That does a few things:

  • Bring this to the attention of the integration developers
  • Help track and prioritize fixes
  • Allows us to notify you via email if/when this is fixed

Unfortunately, I do not have an ETA, but I’ve added you to the list of users affected by this issue so we can let you know as soon as we have any updates.

It’s also worth to let LeadConnector know that you’re running into a bug when using their integration in Zapier since they are the ones who maintains and update their app in Zapier.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.

Any status update on this? Looking to be notified once the issue is resolved. We’ve got a number of automations based on this trigger, and while we’ve moved them to webhooks for the moment, we’d prefer to be using pipeline stage changed.

Hi @First Rank,


We don’t have an update from the developer yet, but I’ve added the list of affected users. We’ll notify you via email once an update is readily available. Thanks.
