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Jotform Enterprise-Zapier Issue: File Transmission Not Working in Teams/Email

  • 21 July 2024
  • 2 replies

We have the following Zap in place doing the following.

Jotform Enterprise Form with text fields and a field to upload files.

Zap grabs the submission from our Jotform Enterprise.

Zap will either email the data over to an email address or submit it to a Teams channel  (We have many zaps)

In Teams or in the email, we only see links to grab the files which require a Jotform DataReader Account.

We used to have a non Enterprise account with Jotform and the Zapier Integration is different and the files would be transmitted.  With Jotform Enterprise, they do not.

What gives?

Hi @TPRZapster 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

Jotform help:

Hi @TPRZapster, welcome to the Community! 🎉 

I can see that you’ve also reached out to our Support team about this and they confirmed that “Jotform stores the file uploads internally in their system and provides a URL to access them. This is the intended behavior, so it's not expected to get the direct file objects of the original upload.” So it sounds like a feature request might need to be created in order to get access to the file object instead of just the URL. I’d suggest continuing the conversation with the Support team directly over email to ask that they get a feature request added for that and can help further on getting those files added to the email/Microsoft Teams.

If you can’t see their reply in your email inbox, I’d recommend searching your spam/junk folder, or searching your inbox for any emails from “” in case it’s been misplaced. 

Please do report back here to let us know how you get on with them - keen to ensure this gets sorted! 🙂