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I was expecting the zap to follow the error path


I have a ZAP that has a step which checks for a string ‘Loyalty Points’.  If it finds it it should follow the Success path and if it fails (which as you can see it did) it should follow the Error path.

For some reason the ZAP just stopped and didn’t go down the path I expected as shown below.

Any reasons why, or is this not considered a failure for a Filter step?  Have I missed doing something to get it to trigger the error flow?

Any help would be appreciated


Hi @mwitcomb 

A Filter step won’t encounter an error because the conditions are either met or they are not met, meaning the evaluation of a Filter step is considered a success.

Instead use Paths to check for the desired condition.


Thanks again Troy

I did consider paths but then it read the same, but clearly different!!

Made the amendments :)

Glad to see Troy was able to help out here, @mwitcomb😁🎉

Please do reach out in the Community again if you need any further assistance. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️ 
