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How do I link Wix to EditionGuard so only the purchased book is downloadable?

  • 7 June 2024
  • 4 replies


I’m trying to link my website (WIX platform) to Editionguard. 

After many trials I finally got it working (so I thought), but now every time someone is buying a book they get the all the Editionguard links - so by buying one book, they can download all the books. 

How can I specify in the Trigger which book is connected to which action? 

Now it seems I can only select either  order placed or checkout abandoned. 

Hopefully you can help. 

Thanks, Laure. 

Hi @Laure Jacquier 


Thank you, unfortunately it’s not working. 
I have the same names for the books in WIX and Edition Guard, but if I set a rule to continue if one of the key word is contains, it’s not working. I tried different fields - but I cannot get it to work. 



@Laure Jacquier 

The Filter step warning indicates your Zap would not have passed for the provided data based on the selected Zap trigger example.

The value of “Hjz4w...” does not contain “Turnkey”, which is correct and why this would be filtered.




Hi there, @Laure Jacquier 👋

Just wanted to check in to see how you’re getting on with this. As Troy mentioned, it looks like the filter is set up correctly to only allow the Zap to continue if one of the line items contains the word “TurnKey” - nice work! 🙌 Is the Zap running as expected now?

Keen to ensure you’re all set here so please let us know whether you’re in need of any further assistance on this at all! 
