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Gravity Forms to Service Titan: Campaign field empty despite UTM campaign entry

  • 7 June 2024
  • 5 replies

How do I ensure when a Gravityform is completed from my website it pushes the campaign into Service titan. right now the lead is being pushed but the campaign field is empty, although I have the UTM Campaign entered.

Hi @EleazarA 

Give more context by posting screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured, thanks.

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Hey I have attached some screenshots. I am trying to get the web attribution form to populate into ST with the campaign field attributed.The leads are showing up In ST but the campaign field is showing as blank. I need some help figuring out how to get the campaign field to populate automatically from Zapier. The screenshots show how I currently set the Zap out.


Check your Zap Runs history details to see the DATA IN/OUT for each step to help you troubleshoot:

If a field from Gravity Forms that is mapped to Service Titan has a null/empty/missing value, then that would be why.

Hey Troy I looked into Gravity Forms and the fields are empty which is causing the issue, Do you know how I should set up the URL Parameters in Gravity forms to communicate with Zapier properly?

Hi @EleazarA,

I believe that UTM parameters from Gravity Forms is not visible in Zapier. I recommend reaching out to Gravity Forms support regarding this issue.

Hopefully, this helps.