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Google My Business Quota exceeded for quota metric 'V4 General Requests' and limit 'V4 General Requests per minute' of service

  • 12 September 2022
  • 60 replies

Getting these messages for the past few days: 

Trigger partner failure: Unable to retrieve reviews: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'V4 General Requests' and limit 'V4 General Requests per minute' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:466514807953'.


This is not a problem withmy Zaps. This seems indicative of a platform limitation between Zapier and Google APIs. Please advise.

Thanks for reaching out here @Max Helios.

As mentioned in my previous reply here an updated version of the New Review trigger has been added which should help to prevent these errors in the Google My Business trigger. But a fix has not been found for the Google My Business actions yet. Although, these errored actions appear to be going through successfully when they are replayed later on so I’d recommend replaying any errored actions in the meantime. 

I’ve added you to the list of folks that are being affected by these “Quota exceeded...” errors. While I can’t give an estimate as to when it will be fully resolved, you’ll definitely get a notification from us once it is. Thanks for everyone’s continued patience here in the meantime, it’s very much appreciated. 

Me Too please, it’s incredible that in two years you didn’t solve this problem.

Hi @gSchettino, I’ve added you to the list so we’ll be in touch by email once it’s been sorted.

For context it’s an intermittent issue that was resolved previously but has resurfaced. The current bug report that everyone is currently added to was opened in September of last year but granted, it’s still a long standing issue! 

The team have already released a potential fix for these errors that are affecting the Google My Business trigger and they are working on preventing these quota errors in Google My Business actions as well. It’s recommended that you replay (or enable autoreplay) any errored runs of the Zap as that should allow them to be run successfully in the meantime. 🙂

To confirm what has already been said, I changed to the “Instant trigger”, however it’s hasn’t fixed the issue. This still remains a bug.

Thanks for letting us know @Dubs24. I’m very sorry that switching to the new trigger hasn’t resolved the errors as hoped.

Can I just double-check is it that you’re still seeing the error when testing in the Zap editor?

If so, that is to be expected as the new trigger still uses same method as the previous polling version of the trigger to bring in new test records from Google. If you choose the Skip test option and turn on the Zap the trigger should run without running into the same quota errors.

If not, are you getting error email notifications from us stating that the new trigger is also running into these same “Quota exceeded...” errors?

@SamB that’s correct. I have 6 similar zaps that all use this trigger. About 10 days ago I went in and switched them all to the “new” trigger. Yesterday I received the usual “Couldn't create a reply for this review: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'V4’…...” error on one of my zaps.

Thanks for getting back to me @Dubs24

The error mentions “Couldn't create a reply for this review” so it appears that the error was only occurring on a Create Reply action and not on the updated New Review trigger itself. So it seems that the new trigger has indeed helped to prevent these errors on the trigger side of things. 

As noted previously the team are still working on preventing these quota errors on the actions for the Google My Business. If you replay that errored run of the Zap it should be able to run successfully now. At the moment the bug report still remains open, but once the errors are resolved in the Google My Business actions as well the bug report will be officially closed and we’ll send out and email notification and will post and update here to confirm. 🙂

Confirmed. Thanks @SamB !

We are also facing this issue. Unable to reply to some reviews beacause of the quota error.

Sorry your Zap isn’t automatically replying to all reviews due to these ongoing errors, @Skin Vitality. I’ve added you to the list so you’ll be notified once it’s resolved.

For now, it might be worth enabling our autoreplay feature, if possible, or replaying manually so that the Zap is able to send out the reply later on once the errors have subsided. 

Hey folks, I’m very happy to report that the bug report has now been closed! 😁🎉

The team have made changes to the way both the triggers and actions for the Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) app work. And these changes appear to have fully resolved the “Quota exceeded...” errors that were previously occurring across both trigger and actions on the Google Business Profile app. There shouldn’t be any changes that you need to make to your Zaps but I’d recommend ensuring you’re running the latest version of the Google Business Profile app if you’re not on it already. 

I’ll be closing out this topic now but if you’re still experiencing any issues please do let us know in the Community or contact our Support team directly for further assistance. 

In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️