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Gmail error: The value in the "To" field is invalid

As the title says, I’m trying to setup an automatic response for form submissions on my Squarespace site, as in the photo below:

But when I test this out, I receive an email in my inbox that says “Address not found”. It’s actually trying to send an email to How do I get this field to populate with a customer’s actual email address? 

Hi @mikep 

The Email variable mapped has a dummy email address value, which is why when you test it results in an error.

Try turning the Zap ON and testing live.


Hi @Troy Tessalone thanks for your response. The Zap was ON the whole time. I don’t see any other options to input into the “To” field except this one which has the dummy email address. The test works fine and I’m able to publish, but the zap doesn’t actually work as intended. Any other ideas?


For live Zap Runs, you can see the DATA IN/OUT for each step to help you troubleshoot:

Post screenshots to give us more context about the encountered error.

“This post has been edited by a moderator to remove personal information. Please remember that this is a public forum and to remove any sensitive information prior to posting.”

I’ve attached some more screenshots. This is what I see when I go to the DATA IN/OUT page you linked.

I hope this provides enough information! I’m a little lost here.


From the Zap Run, post screenshots showing BOTH the DATA IN/OUT for each step so we can trace the data flow.



@Troy Tessalone here they are. Thank you


And what about for the DATA IN for the Gmail step?


This looks to be the root cause of the Gmail step error, the value mapped for email is not only an email address and has extra values.


@Troy Tessalone is this what you mean?


Yes, the second array item is not a valid email.


And is due to the data issue from Squarespace for that field, which would need to get fixed on the Squarespace form.


You can add a Formatter > Text > Extract Email step to isolate just the email to then map to Gmail.

Hi there, @mikep 👋

It’s been a while since you’ve posted here so I wanted to check how you’re getting on. Were you able to get the email address extracted using a Formatter (Text > Extract Email Address) action as Troy suggested? Or did you find an alternative solution?

Want to make sure everything is okay on your end, so please let us know if you need any further assistance! 🙂