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Failed to create a note in Productboard: The app returned "is invalid".

  • 22 July 2024
  • 4 replies



I have a Zap setup so that when new feedback in posted in Slack, it is captured in Google Sheets and then a Zap will convert that into a Productboard note.


This has been working seamlessly for months (perhaps a year) when all of a sudden it is failing. 


The error is so generic but is definitely on the Productboard side as I have tested every step of the workflow.


Error returned is...

Failed to create a note in Productboard

The app returned "is invalid".


The data in is…

State: 0

Content: othe note content]


Who knows what invalid means - I have tried Googling this for days but unfortunately, I don’t have much time to dedicate to fixing this. 


The Zap AI seems to think that state 0 might not be correct but any Googling of this has return no results. 


Anyone encountered this before? Im positive Productboard changed their API and now its breaking, I can’t think of any other reason as this Zap hasn’t been modified in months.


Super appreciate any help here. 😰

Hi @Lianne 

For us to have more context, post screenshots of these:

  • The encountered error
  • How the Zap step is configured in EDIT mode

Hi @Troy Tessalone 

Thanks for the reply.


I took a screen capture of the action and the test failing - hopefully this gives more info. To note, I used test content so that our client details weren’t shared.





The error



The Zap AI debugger



Productboard Status page does not show any recent incidents:


If you are testing the Zap step in EDIT mode, the mapped variable value for the email field is not a valid email address.


Ahhh aren’t you a star @Troy Tessalone thank you so much! I see that the email in the real client data also had other un-email like characters in it!


It’s fixed now, thank you so much!