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Failed to create a group contact in Google Contacts: Requested entity was not found

Hi all,

Thanks in advance for your help!

I’ve setup a Zap to add a Google Contact when a lead is added to my CRM. I have gotten the first two steps to add the contact working. Yet, I cannot get the third step to add this new contact to the Leads group, a Google Contacts label I created, to work.

Selecting the Contact to modify using either the ID or Original ID fields produces the testing error shown below.

Any suggestions on how to resolve this?

Appreciate any offered advice!

Hi @Jason Christensen 

Use the Original ID that does NOT have a timestamp value.
Make sure the Google Contact for the ID being tested with still exists in Google Contacts.


@Jason Christensen 

If the issue persists, then the root cause may be related to a different field.

We would need to see more screenshots to have context.

Hi @Troy Tessalone,

Thanks for your quick reply. I’m now back at my computer and doing some further investigation.

I just tested Step 2 again and ensured that it created a new Google Contact from the new test Lead I created today in my CRM. Then in looking at the Action tab for Step 3 where I seek to add the Leads label to the Google Contact created in Step 2 I see the following partial list of fields.:

I scrolled slowly through the entire list of fields available to me from Step 2 and the only ‘Original Id’ is the one above with that “people/c213...” string.

When you suggest I use the ‘Original Id’ field without the timestamp, how do I do that?

I appreciate your help!


@Jason Christensen 

Map the Original ID variable.

If the issue persists, then the root cause may be related to a different field in Step 3.


I found this article:

And tried this syntax which I think might map the passed through ‘Original Id’ successfully as a dynamic value.

Yet it produced the following error:

I’m not certain I’m doing the mapping properly and the cited article’s screenshots are only nominally helpful.

What am I missing here?

@Jason Christensen

You need to remove the static values and any extra spaces, it should only be the 1 mapped variable.


It should look just like this:


For context about mapping dynamic variable values to a dropdown field:

Morning @Troy Tessalone,

Today when I had a moment to troubleshoot this further I discovered that Zapier’s Lofty app, connecting to my CRM, had been updated in Step 1 of my Zap. So I went through that process first.

After that update I retested Step 3 where I modify the Google Contact to include the Leads label, and it worked!

Not sure if or why updating the Lofty app would fix this, or whether our work together influenced the Lofty app update, but it works now using the same steps I used prior to starting this thread.

Thanks for your help; I learned a lot.



That’s great news @Jason Christensen! A huge thanks to Troy for lending a hand here and pointing you in the right direction!

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help! 🤗

Yes, huge thanks to @Troy Tessalone ! I appreciate your responsive direction setting. 

Thank you too @ken.a for keeping an eye on these forums.