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Facebook Lead Ads trigger is inconsistent and missing leads


I am an extensive user of Facebook Lead forms in combination with Zapier Automations. We recently discovered that our automation is not always triggerd (mostly it is working correctly).

I made an export of the leadform in META and found one of the leads was missing in our automation history. When I editted my automation manually to check for new records, it also found the missing record, so I could manually run in through the automation. Do others have similar experiences with missing triggers, and is there a solution to this?

Thank you in advance for your help.  

@SamB We have no leads coming in since we set up the Zaps on July 15. I don’t see any errors in the set up, but in our case it’s not missing leads, there are no leads coming in at all. We’re at the end of the trial period and we don’t feel like upgrading if we don’t have the Zaps running and we need them, who can we talk to, to either get some support or extend the free trial?

Any update?

Hi @leadmais, @Eco Land and @Solange 👋

There’s no ETA on when this will be fixed but you’ve all been added to the bug report so we’ll definitely send you a notification via email once it is solved.

@leadmais - Thanks for sharing the workaround that was mentioned in the other thread. I’ve passed those details over to our team so that they can look into that. There’s no further updates to report at this time unfortunately. If you haven’t already I’d suggest subscribing to the incident page here to be kept informed of any updates posted there.

@Eco Land - really sorry about the hassle caused by having to manually process those missing leads, I understand how frustrating that must be. We’ll be in touch as soon with any new workarounds or updates as soon as we can.

@Solange - Are all the leads all coming from Instagram? If so, that might explain why it’s not triggering for any of them. Us folks here in the Community are unable to assist with trial extensions or account related queries so I’d recommend reaching out to our Support team directly using the form on this page:

Please add me to the Bug Report this is having a significant impact on my day-to-ops and timely handling leads as they are incoming. 





Hello. Please update me when this issue has been resolved.


Thanks for reaching out here @whippinsoda and @rileyled. Sorry to learn that you’re also being impacted by this issue. I’ve added you both to the bug report so you’ll get an email notification as soon as it’s sorted. 

We have had the same problem and I can confirm our Instagram ads also stopped sending data  last week. 

On the other hand, our Automated ads keep sending data intermittently and it’s been getting worse since July 10th as well.


I would love to know if there is any news. It’s been a week since the problem was identified. 

Managing the missing leads manually is not sustainable. 

I double-checked META connections with Zapier and everything seems to be ok].

Seems like a solution is getting close. We’ve found that some webhooks are catching the IG leads, but others still don’t after 30-45 min wait since the leads signed up.

Numbers of Leads in "Meta Leads Center" are also different from the numbers of leads at the Meta campaign dashboard.


Meta Leads Center has less leads than Meta campaign dashboard.

Facebook Leads - New Lead trigger is intermittently missing leads.

 Update - Meta team informed us that the issue should be resolved as of July 23rd, 16:43 UTC. If your Zap(s) continue to trigger intermittently after this time, please reach out to our support team.

Jul 23, 2024 - 17:23 PDT

hi there, i’m having the same issue, been manually downloading leads for 10 days, this is not sustainable as it is taking a long time. please add me to the bug report


Any update for us?! 

We had this problem for more than 2 weeks!

Is this issue resolved for anyone?

The issue isn’t resolved, it’s still active.

Facebook with yet another pump fake. 

According to the Zapier status, the issue is resolved. But I can confirm on our end that we are still seeing the error persist. Nothing seems to have changed despite the status change given by Meta.


Please note this admin and add us to the report.

Problem seems still to persist... "issue should be resolved as of July 23rd" fail

I confirm that the problem continues to persist for us too, so it’s not resolved at all. 

Anyone from Zapier? 

Update - We're seeing customers whose leads haven’t been triggered. If you experience this issue, please submit a support ticket that includes the Zap and the lead IDs along with the timestamps that didn't trigger your Zap.
Jul 24, 2024 - 10:36 PDT

We are still seeing this issue as well - the FB leads seem to trigger our zaps but not the IG lead form submissions (which accounts for most of our triggers). Please add us to the bug report as well.


I just talked to support to share that the Zaps with intermittent data on our side are the ones connected to Automated Ads Forms.

Analyzing the data we found that the leads who saw the ad on IG were the ones not sent by META to Zapier. (Leads who saw the ad on Facebook were sent successfully).

Can anyone else confirm they have noticed the same?

Additionally, the forms from our IG ads have not sent any data since the issue started. 

Lead data generated by Meta's Instant Form was linked to Slack and AccountEngagement, but
However, in the past month or so, about 30% of the lead data has not been linked to Slack and AccountEngagement.
Not all of them are not linked, but they are missing at random.

There are no errors or waiting Zaps in the “Zap history”.
We would appreciate your pursuit of the cause and immediate improvement.



Lots of leads coming in right now, I think META reprocessed the leads.

Hey folks, I’m so sorry for the delay in a reply from our side while I’ve been away.

I’ve just checked in on the bug report which has since been closed and, as you’ve likely already seen in the latest incident page update, it’s been confirmed that Meta have fixed the issue and have finished backfilling the missing leads! 😁🎉

Really appreciate everyone’s patience while this was being worked on. If you find that there were leads that were missed by the backfill please do get in touch with our Support Team directly so they can investigate further. 

In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️