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Hello! Ran across this odd error when connecting Worksuite (previously Shortlist) and Airtable.


I tested the zap with a certain filter that included a custom field. Everything worked fine:


But using the exact same data, I’m seeing that the Zap didn’t continue because of the same filter:


The “Custom Field” output was empty and the filter is considered a “missing value.” Anyone have ideas here?

Hi @kevindleahy 

Check this help article about changing the trigger test data:


Check your Zap Runs for live triggered Zaps to see the DATA IN/OUT for each Zap step to help with troubleshooting:

Hi @kevindleahy 

Check this help article about changing the trigger test data:


Check your Zap Runs for live triggered Zaps to see the DATA IN/OUT for each Zap step to help with troubleshooting:


Hey @Troy Tessalone, I’ve tried different trigger test data and it always works there. The “DATA OUT” is somehow different than what is showing in the trigger test data, even when it’s the same trigger.


We’d need to see more screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in order to have proper context to possibly advise.


Or you can try opening a ticket with Zapier Support: