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ChatGPT error: "response_data": "UnrecognizedKwargsError: ('Company', 'Field', 'Inquiry')"

Im getting UnrecognizedKwargsError whenever im connecting Google Sheets: Create Spreadsheet Row action with GPTs. 

it keeps happening for some reason. is this a bug? please help! 

"response_data": "UnrecognizedKwargsError: ('Company', 'Field', 'Inquiry')"


Same for me when doing Google Calendar searches:


"domain": "",
"method": "post",
"path": "/gpt/api/v1/available/{available_action_id}/run/",
"operation": "run_action",
"operation_hash": "9bc5c2e95b73e7be0f066efb69885251bc0db46c",
"is_consequential": true,
"params": {
"available_action_id": "01J0AKBDBJYFM0WRN45KQGSHJP",
"instructions": "Retrieve all events for today from the Google Calendar associated with <my email>",
"Start_Time_Before": "2024-06-14T00:00:00Z",
"End_Time_After": "2024-06-13T00:00:00Z"
>debug] Response received
"response_data": "UnrecognizedKwargsError: ('Start_Time_Before', 'End_Time_After')"


Hi there, @cailyn, @SnakeySnake and @iamabeautifulsnowflake! 👋

Sorry you’re all running into these “UnrecognizedKwargsError” errors! I’m not sure whether these errors are due to a bug affecting all AI actions or whether there’s issues with the setup of the AI Actions for the different apps that result in similar errors. 🤔

@cailyn and @SnakeySnake - can you share screenshots showing the set up of the AI Action that should be creating new spreadsheet rows in Google Sheets? I’d like to take a closer look at what’s been selected for each field in case there’s anything on the set up there that might be causing the errors here. Please remove/hide any private information (like names, emails, addresses etc.) from any screenshots before sharing.

@iamabeautifulsnowflake - it could be that the values supplied for the Start Time Before and End Time After fields might not be formatted in a way that Google Calendar is expecting. Looking at the help guide for Google Calendar here it mentions that Google Calendar actions expect to receive the date in MM/DD/YYYY format. Can you try supplying the date/time values in that same format and see if that gets rid of the error?

Looking forward to hearing from you all on this!

Im getting the same issue.


I’m so sorry to read that you’re getting that same error here, @id8

Can you share a screenshot showing the set up of the AI Action that errored? That’ll allow me to check the setup to ensure there’s nothing on that end that might be causing some trouble with the file upload.

Keen to help get to the bottom of these errors so will be keeping an eye out for your reply!

Mine sometimes works but most of the times doesn't, please fix this error, I wanted to demo this feature to my company and I found it pretty unuseble, it is a shame because it is pretty powerful.


"domain": "",  "method": "post",  "path": "/gpt/api/v1/available/{available_action_id}/run/",  "operation": "run_action",  "operation_hash": "9bc5c2e95b73e7be0f066efb69885251bc0db46c",  "is_consequential": true,  "params": {    "available_action_id": "be5926c9-8f23-443b-85bc-fb010c7f71da",    "instructions": "Enviar un correo electrónico con la información de la comparación de precios de zapatillas entre Guante y Hush Puppies, incluyendo el enlace al documento creado en Google Docs.",    "Subject": "Comparación de Precios de Zapatillas: Guante vs Hush Puppies",    "Body": "Hola,\n\nHe completado la comparación de precios de zapatillas entre Guante y Hush Puppies. Puedes revisar el documento completo en el siguiente enlace:\n\neComparación de Precios de Zapatillas: Guante vs Hush Puppies](*******\n\nSaludos,\nAnalista Competencia Calzado CL",    "To": "joseluis.hv@*****"  }}

pdebug] Calling HTTP endpoint

{  "domain": "",  "method": "post",  "path": "/gpt/api/v1/available/{available_action_id}/run/",  "operation": "run_action",  "operation_hash": "9bc5c2e95b73e7be0f066efb69885251bc0db46c",  "is_consequential": true,  "params": {    "available_action_id": "be5926c9-8f23-443b-85bc-fb010c7f71da",    "instructions": "Enviar un correo electrónico con la información de la comparación de precios de zapatillas entre Guante y Hush Puppies, incluyendo el enlace al documento creado en Google Docs.",    "Subject": "Comparación de Precios de Zapatillas: Guante vs Hush Puppies",    "Body": "Hola,\n\nHe completado la comparación de precios de zapatillas entre Guante y Hush Puppies. Puedes revisar el documento completo en el siguiente enlace:\n\n Comparación de Precios de Zapatillas: Guante vs Hush Puppies](*****\n\nSaludos,\nAnalista Competencia Calzado CL",    "To": "joseluis.hv@****"  }}

debug] Response received

{  "response_data": "UnrecognizedKwargsError: ('Subject', 'Body', 'To')"}

Error al hablar con

Hubo un error al intentar enviar el correo electrónico. Parece que algunos parámetros no fueron reconocidos. Voy a intentarlo nuevamente con solo las instrucciones necesarias.

edebug] Calling HTTP endpoint

{  "domain": "",  "method": "post",  "path": "/gpt/api/v1/available/{available_action_id}/run/",  "operation": "run_action",  "operation_hash": "9bc5c2e95b73e7be0f066efb69885251bc0db46c",  "is_consequential": true,  "params": {    "available_action_id": "be5926c9-8f23-443b-85bc-fb010c7f71da",    "instructions": "Enviar un correo electrónico con el asunto 'Comparación de Precios de Zapatillas: Guante vs Hush Puppies' y el siguiente contenido:\n\n'Hola,\n\nHe completado la comparación de precios de zapatillas entre Guante y Hush Puppies. Puedes revisar el documento completo en el siguiente enlace:\n\nuComparación de Precios de Zapatillas: Guante vs Hush Puppies](******\n\nSaludos,\nAnalista Competencia Calzado CL' al correo electrónico joseluis.hv@******.com."  }}

*debug] Response received

{  "response_data": {    "id": "47213454-9a8e-4f68-9182-574f220ec728",    "action_used": "Crear Email",    "input_params": {      "To": "",      "Subject": "Comparación de Precios de Zapatillas: Guante vs Hush Puppies",      "Body": "Hola,\n\nHe completado la comparación de precios de zapatillas entre Guante y Hush Puppies. Puedes revisar el documento completo en el siguiente enlace:\n\n Comparación de Precios de Zapatillas: Guante vs Hush Puppies](*****\n\nSaludos,\nAnalista Competencia Calzado CL"    },    "review_url": "*****",    "result": {      "id": "19077a09c43461e2",      "threadId": "19077a09c43461e2",      "labelIds": 1        "SENT"      ]    },    "additional_results":  ],    "result_field_labels": {},    "status": "success",    "error": null,    "assistant_hint": "For large results, don't repeat the results, just provide a quick bullet list summary.",    "full_results": .]  },  "status_code": 200,  "action_id": "g-590c88c950b956b02f2022b13310573267ce871d"}


He spoke with

The email with the price comparison of shoes between Guante and Hush Puppies has been successfully sent to joseluis.hv@*****. Here is the link to review the delivery.

Hi @joseluis.hver! 👋

Really sorry you’re seeing those same “UnrecognizedKwargsError” errors as well. I can see that you’ve also reached out to the Support team about this so I’d recommend continuing the conversation with them directly over email. The Support team have access to the logs for your account so they’re better able to investigate this further and determine what’s causing it to only work some of the time.

Please keep us updated on how you get on with them, I want to ensure this get’s sorted.

Thanks, hope we can fix this as I want really want to demo this in my company tomorrow in a context of AI meeting. It is a good scenario to introduce to zapier into repetitive processes.

I will let you know the resolution over here if it is helpful to anybody.

Thank you @joseluis.hver! Really appreciate you doing that. Hopefully the Support team will be able to figure out a solution for you before your meeting today! 🤞 

In the meantime, I wonder if it might also be worth exploring Zapier Central. It’s still in beta but it offers similar functionality to Zapier’s AI Actions so I’m thinking it might be a good alternative for your demo? 🤔

If you give it a try and run into any issues let me know, happy to assist further!

Hey folks 👋

Just circling back here to share that our engineers have been looking into these “UnrecognizedKwargsError” errors and are actively working on getting this issue fixed. I can’t make any promises around when it will be resolved by but we’ll be sure to share any further updates we have here in this thread.

Thank you all for your patience on this. Please do let me know if there’s anything else I can assist with in the meantime.

Hi everyone, I’m happy to report that our engineers have released a fix which should have resolved these “UnrecognizedKwargsError” errors now! 🎉

To take advantage of the fix that was shipped you’ll need to log out and back in again on both platforms here:

It’s necessary to log out in both places as AI Actions relies on the main Zapier website’s cookies for authentication so you’ll need to login in again on both to reset things fully. 

Hope that helps to get everyone’s workflows back up and running again. If you continue to see further errors at all please let me know!
