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I have tried several different ways with different Zap apps and I can NOT get a Google Sheet row to update when an email is added.  I want a sheet row to get updated when the email field from the initiating app is updated.  I keep getting “There was an error writing to your Google sheet.”  I use a ‘Lookup’ to make sure I can find the row that has been updated and it works great - but when I go to update the row - I get that error.  I tried with multiple trigger apps and get the same result.  HELP!!! (please)

Hi there @EchoAutomation! Without seeing your Zap, it’s tricky to know what the issue is, as there could be a few things that would give you the error message that you’re seeing. 


In this case, I think that you’ll get the best help if I pass you onto the Support Team as they can take a closer look with you. I’ve passed your post onto them and someone from the team will be in touch via email as soon as possible. 



Hey there!

I am going to post this solution from our help documentation incase it’s helpful for others running into the same error message: 


This can occur if:

  • The Sheet name or tab (worksheet) name has changed since it was initially selected in the Zap editor.
  • The Google Sheet has protected sheets or ranges.
  • The connected Google Sheet account for the app does not have proper permissions, for example, it has read only permission.


How to fix it