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Brevo error: Unable to read data; Error message: Invalid email address, ID OR phone number

I use the Business Standard version of CRM Zoho and signed up for a professional plan of email marketing. Zapier claims to work with both. 


First and only ZAP created was to create a contact in Brevo when a Lead is added/updated in ZOHO CRM. Data fields populated correctly from Zoho - and I set all targeted fields in Bremo, but upon testing: 


Failed to create a contact in Brevo

Error: Unable to read data; Error message: Invalid email address, ID OR phone number; Error code: invalid_parameter; getDataPage Response status: 400


I am unable to find the nature of the error. Again - connection seems to be good on both apps (Zoho and Bremo), but testing the ‘New of Updated Module Entry’ which is the recommended action for ZOHO to BREMO (per Zapier), the zap doesn’t function. 

Hi @NigelTufnel 

To provide more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.


Hope this helps. It seems connections to both SaaS apps (Brevo and CRM ZOHO) are good - but keep getting the 400 error. 


There encountered error indicates the value for either email or phone is likely invalid.

Error message: Invalid email address, ID OR phone number


If you need to adjust the Phone Number format, then use Formatter > Numbers > Format Phone Number


Check the field descriptions for guidance about the expected valid value formats.


Thanks Troy - I’ll look into that. Only thing strange is that the targeted endpoint is a text string - so there shouldn’t be errors with email format, no? 


Tried the Formatter, but still throws an error.



These are different fields.

Email and Phone appear to be standard fields.

The others marked as “Attribute” appear to be custom text fields.



I still can’t get the Zap to work. Assuming that adding two formatter actions of different types (text for email and Number for SMS phone number) will work. Made sure that output is the same as what Brevo expects - for email and phone number. first three steps test ok - it’s simply the final add to Brevo that throws the error. I’m not passing ID’s, so that part of the error shouldn’t be active. 


Any help would be appreciated - about to give up on this option and cancel zapier and Brevo accounts. 

Adding context - here are the fields for adding to Brevo: 




Doesn’t look like you have the output from either Formatter step mapped to the Brevo step.

Since the values for redacted we can’t evaluate and advise.

Issue is likely with 1 of these 2 fields.

Show more screenshots showing the field descriptions expanded. (more)

Make sure the email is a valid email format.

Make sure the phone number is formatted as specified.



Thanks again Troy for helping me work it through. Here is the Phone number step for the formatter (I don’t want to post all of a credential here online for obvious reasons): 


This is the output - as Brevo wants to phone entry: 


Here are results of the email (text) formatter: 


I see what you referenced - changed the output to target the formatter string: 


Get the same error - 400 re: Phone, email or ID


Please post screenshots showing these expanded so we can see the full field descriptions.


The phone format for Bremo is: +1 917-555-1212 - but the above format instruction does not state as much. 

Got it

Changed formatting to +19175551212 - and the like. 


Thanks for your patience. now I know to refine formatting. 


Much appreciated! 
