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Affinity error: The app returned "Field organization_id: expected 296568492 to be a valid id for model Affinity::Models::Company: 0


I have a pretty simple zap that SOMETIMES gives this error and i can’t figure out why.

Basically the interested part of the zap does two things:

  1. Creates the organization in Affinity
  2. Add it to a list

It works 90% of the time but in rare cases it fails to add the org to the list giving this error:

Here’s the zap:

It’s just the 4 steps that gives this error and then skips to the point 6 (then it does everything else correctly).

I can’t figure out what’s going on especially because it works almost always and then it doesn’t for some submissions.

Hi @mc_vento 

Try adding a Delay step between Steps 3 and 4.

It may be that Affinity hasn’t finished processing the creation of a new Org by the time it is trying to be assigned to the list in the following step.


Hi @mc_vento 

Try adding a Delay step between Steps 3 and 4.

It may be that Affinity hasn’t finished processing the creation of a new Org by the time it is trying to be assigned to the list in the following step.


Hi Troy,

I added the delay and I thought the problem was solved, but I still get the error from time to time and it’s very frustrating.

Hi @mc_vento,

You might be running into a bug here. I’d recommend reaching out to our Support Team to investigate this further since they have the correct tools to dig deeper into the logs.

You can reach our Support Team here:

I appreciate your patience and understanding.