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ActiveCampaign to Memberspot Zap isn't working while published

  • 21 June 2024
  • 2 replies


I have an issue with my published zap. I tested the connection and it was working. After i have published the zap the zap is not working. I used Active Campaign → Memberspot and my contact is in the list in Active Campaign but Zapier doesn`t send the contact to memberspot anymore, although the connection was working before publishing. 


Thanks for your help! 

Hi Patricia,

It sounds frustrating that your zap isn't working after publishing. Here are a few steps you could try to troubleshoot:

  1. Check Zap Settings: Ensure all settings, triggers, and actions are configured correctly in Zapier.
  2. Reconnect Services: Try disconnecting and reconnecting Active Campaign and Memberspot to Zapier.
  3. Test Again: Run a test zap to see if the connection resumes functioning.
  4. Zapier Support: If issues persist, contacting Zapier support directly might provide specific insights.

Hope this helps resolve the issue!

Hi @Patricia Maria 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode so we can see which app/events you are using.
