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When I'm creating a ZAP I poll the dropdown for the folders and I get no results.

I'm creating a zap that creates a new list from a scheduled event from Calendly and want a list item to show up from the new booking in the process.

The folders are not showing up in the Clickup Zap.

Hi @RussJohns

Welcome to the forum! Let's try and get this sorted out for you.

So we can try and work out what's up, could you give a screenshot showing how you've got this zap setup in the editor so far?


Screenshot 2019-11-10 11.29.04.pngScreenshot 2019-11-10 11.29.22.pngI have the initial connection to Calendy to use the trigger from a calender to create a new list on Clickup (the goal)

Clickup appears to be returning a zero value even though I multiple folders I have created.

And Thanks for the assistance @AndrewJDavison_Luhhu

I have tested several variations and have not found the secret sauce

Very odd @RussJohns!

In your space, can you find the folder named “Get to Know ClickUp”?

@RussJohns when you connected your ClickUp Account to Zapier, do you remember which team you selected? My guess is that it was a team different from the one that your folders have been added to. Mind trying to reconnect to see if that helps? Let us know!