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Using Zendesk Placeholders in Zendesk Comment in Zap

  • 27 May 2023
  • 1 reply


I’m trying to use zendesk placeholders in a Zap that triggers an action on Zendesk. A Zendesk placeholder looks like “{{ticket.ticket_field_option_123456}}”. I want to use this placeholder in an “Update Ticket” action that makes a comment on the ticket. The issue I’m noticing is that everytime I use this placeholder, Zapier is converting it to some zapier-specific entity in the message (see image below). How can I stop this from happening? I just want to forward the placeholders to zendesk so zendesk can dereference them (assuming that Zapier is just using the Zendesk API, Zendesk should be able to handle all the dereferencing).



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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @raj_trustlab 

Good question.

Zapier variables use the {{placeholder}} notation.

As far as I’m aware there isn’t a way to escape this formatting from being interpreted as a variable by Zapier.