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Trouble splitting Shopify details into Airtable cells using Looping


I am trying to split my Shopify details into cells in Airtable using Looping, but I don’t think I’m doing it right, or I’m missing a step. I want my details to go here:

and when I do Looping, it comes out with the correct information:

But when I go to add that information in my cells, the option for, say, Loop value 2, isn’t available to click:

What do I need to be doing to set this up correct?

Thank you so much!

Hi @ebefort-DDP 

Help article for using Looping:


Map the variable you configured in the Looping step to the Airtable step.

Each time the Loop iterates, the variable value will change.



Hi, Troy,

Thank you for the clarification! So regarding that, how can I have specific information be dropped in specific cells? I tried the Formatter as well, but only had a couple options. For example, I need the “Double-Sided, 24, and 18” in the formatter to be in these specific cells:

Am I using the right tools, or should I be using a different one?

Thank you so much!


Can you post screenshots with how your Looping and Formatter steps are configured in their “Action” section/tab?


I feel like I’m doubling up somehow. I appreciate the help!



Here’s the issue…

1 Shopify Order can have 1+ Line Items.

1 Shopify Oder Line Item can have 1+ Properties.

To properly parse the Shopify Line Item Properties, which is a nested array of items, you’d likely need to use custom Code to transform those into key/value pairs to be mapped as custom variables.



Here’s a related topic for general guidance that can be used within the Looping.



Oh! Thank you so much!! I will look into that then; I appreciate it!