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'Status Code 403 Forbidden' when trying to trying to email PDF reports from iAuditor

  • 19 November 2020
  • 2 replies

I’ve created many iAuditor zaps previously that generate a PDF report and email a copy (either on completion of an audit or when triggered by a failed response). Today I’ve been building a new conditional zap (using Paths) to email PDFs to different addresses based on filters within the audit(s). All tests are passed but when it comes to sending the emails it keeps failing. Initially I thought it may have been the 10 emails per hour limitation on the Email by Zapier task, but I just tried using Gmail instead but got the same error:


Clicking on ‘Troubleshoot error’ gives the following info:


Any assistance would be appreciated!

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Try deleting the entire step and adding it back
  2. Check your app authentications here:
  3. If you’re trying to use a Gmail account with there are limitations of approved apps:

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Try deleting the entire step and adding it back
  2. Check your app authentications here:
  3. If you’re trying to use a Gmail account with there are limitations of approved apps:

Thanks for the tips @Troy Tessalone . I’ve just spent some considerable time with iAuditor support looking at this issue and have discovered that, despite the errors in testing, the Zap actually works just fine. Their advice follows:

I have confirmed with our senior support that the error in the steps when editing does not accurately reflect how the Zap will run when it comes to connecting with Gmail.

This is more to do with the Zapier connection than with iAuditor from what we've found out. 

I wouldn’t call this issue resolved as the testing error is still present, but at least I can now progress my work knowing that it will still function as expected.