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So I have a Google Form and in that form are 4 sections.  Depending on what a user selects in a drop down in Section 1, determines if they fill out information in Section 2, 3 or 4.  Once the form is completed, I have it sending an e-mail to an administrator on my team, but the e-mail contains fields from ALL 3 sections (2, 3, and 4) with two of the sections being blank because the user is only asked to fill out one section based on their response.

What I’d like to have happen:

User Selects Option 1 - E-mail 1 gets sent

User Selects Option 2 - E-mail 2 gets sent

User Selects Option 3 - E-mail 3 gets Sent

How can I do this?


Hi @jhurlbut! There are a couple of ways that you can do this, depending on what Zapier plan you have. 


If you have a Professional Plan or higher, you can do this with 1 Zap, using Paths. With paths you can create rules that say ‘When this happens, do these actions’, so you can say ‘If user selects option one, go on to send email 1’ You can learn more about Paths in this guide: Add branching logic to Zaps with Paths


If you are on a Starter Plan then you can use a Filter step and multiple Zaps to do the same thing. ​When a filter is added to a Zap, it looks at the information coming into the filter and only allows the actions to continue if the information meets specific criteria. This guide explains how you can set up filters in more than one Zap to create different outcomes: Add branching logic to Zaps with Filters

Hi, @Danvers thanks so much!  I was able to figure that out . . . I have the plan where I can have 3 paths and fortunately, that’s all I needed for this Zap. Got it working and it’s great.  Thanks for your help!

Hey @jhurlbut - That’s great news that you were able to figure it out and for coming back to let us know. Please reach back out to us if you have any further questions. Thank you!