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Seeking Help to Automate Packing Slip Generation and Printing for Shopify Orders in ShipStation

  • 28 April 2024
  • 8 replies



I have my ShipStation account connected to my Shopify store. 

Currently, when a Shopify order arrives, it goes to ShipStation and I manually print the packing slip for each order (in bulk).


Ideally, I’d like to create a zap that automates the ordering process coming from Shopify.

The ideal zap path would be

  1. A new order arrives on Shopify > ShipStation
  2. ShipStation (or another integration) creates a packing slip as a PDF
  3. Send the packing slip PDF to a cloud printer.

I solved steps 1 and 3 but still can’t find a way to auto-create a PDF packing slip in either ShipStation or Shopify. 


I appreciate any help to guide me in the right direction.

Thank you.

Hi @Odiyahoo 

For Shipstation, you would have to use the ShipStation API:

You can use this Zap action: ShipStation - API Request


Thank you, Troy.

Following your suggestion I successfully created the next step using the ‘GET /orders/’ from the ShipStation API. Now I want to turn the information into a PDF that I could send to the printer. Any suggestions?


You can use a GDocs template to create a PDF.

Zap action: GDocs - Create Doc from Template



@Odiyahoo Just wondering what are included in the details of your packing slip?

Hi Fiona,

I created this template in Google Docs. Honestly, I thought that given it’s so easy to manually create a packing slip in Shopify and ShipStation, a simple call to an API would give me the whole thing. I had no idea that this would require me to call on my (limited) knowledge of Zapier, APIs etc. to build it from scratch 🫤


Packing Slip

Date: {{orderDate}}

Order Number: {{orderNumber}}

Ship To:

  • Name: {{}}
  • Address: {{shipTo.street1}}
  • City: {{}}
  • State: {{shipTo.state}}
  • Postal Code: {{shipTo.postalCode}}
  • Country: {{}}
  • Phone: {{}}

Bill To:

  • Name: {{}}
  • Phone: {{}}

Order Details:

{% for item in items %}

  • Item Name: {{}}
  • SKU: {{item.sku}}
  • Quantity: {{item.quantity}}

Weight: {{item.weight.value}} {{item.weight.units}}

  • {% endfor %}

Shipping Method: {{requestedShippingService}}

Carrier: {{carrierCode}}

Package Type: {{packageCode}}



Additional Information:

  • Order Status: {{orderStatus}}

Ship By Date: {{shipByDate | default: 'N/A'}}

@Odiyahoo Thanks for sharing and that looks like SO much work!

Were you able to create the pdfs automatically using the google docs template then? Or are you still manually populating all the packing slips one by one from Gdoc>export as pdf?

At the moment it’s easy for me to select all orders I have to prepare in ShipStation and send them to the printer in one batch. This automation is meant to further save time as I want all packing slips to be ready when I arrive at the warehouse.

Got it. So right now, you managed to do this?

  1. new order comes in (shopify > Shipstation)
  2. Auto-Generate google doc template from Shipstation data when new order comes in 
  3. auto-generate pdf from google doc template 
  4. send to cloud printer automatically