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Hi, how can I create a Zap which pulls information from multiple boards into one board? 

@MH79 are you talking about Trello boards? What information are you looking to find and how do you want to display it (all in a signal card?) How often do you want this to run or do you have a specific trigger in mind?

Hi Paul, yes trello and I have multiple productivity boards with today tasks listed which are automatically moved to the do today lists using the butler service…


I would like to pull all the to do today tasks into one long to do list. 

I have multiple work streams and projects and want a quick view of all today tasks across the boards.


hope that’s enough info



@MH79 So perhaps you’re approaching this a little differently. Since Butler is creating new cards for you each day on these boards you could set up a zap that triggers on a new card in the Today list on each board (you’d need a zap for each board) and that zap then finds a list in your summary board and adds an item to the checklist. 


Instead of once a day going and searching for all cards, just create the list items as the cards are created. 

Paul, I’m just a free Zapier member...son only 5 Zaps available to use. Any other ideas?

Yeah sorry anything I can come up with would require a paid Zapier account, the free account is just very very limiting (for good reason)