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Scheduled Report from Google Sheets to Slack

  • 16 May 2024
  • 6 replies

Apologies I am posting this again due to the old post being closed for inactivity.

I am trying to find a way to post a snapshot of an active google sheet (it gets updated/rewritten every 15 minutes) to a Slack message.


To be more specific I have a data set with headers and I just want to create a list of data from 2 columns and an undetermined amount of rows and have it displayed in a slack post for example:

H1 H2
R1 R1-Detail
R2 R2-Detail
R3 R3-Detail


Slack outpost:
R1 R1-Detail
R2 R2-Detail
R3 R3-Detail

I have tried digest but it replicates/duplicates data when I only want a snapshot at the specific time. Any other ideas?  Possibly something with loops but how do I get the data fields when the trigger is a schedule?

Hey @OoniRick , You should use some AI tools like ChatGPT or Mindstudio that can help you easily create reports like this. To create reports with undetermined rows, Zapier might not be a good platform for this. You will have to use an additional app to build reports.



Hi @jayeshkumarbhatia I am using the term report in the loosest form. I am really just wanting to print the contents of the 2 columns, but rather on a create trigger which would of made this easy using the Schedule trigger. I’d argue AI is overkill

Hey @OoniRick , 


Oh Ok Wait. I miss read. 


You can use Code by Zapier to format the data the way you have mentioned below Slack outpost. Thats thy only way which i can think off. 

Hi @OoniRick Yes I would do 

  1. Schedule trigger 
  2. Action - Gsheet Get spreadsheet rows 
  3. Code by Zapier - use javascript to contruct the info like how you structured above 
  4. Send via slack message

Ping me if you are stuck on any parts!

Ohh that is an interesting approach, so I would just lookup the sheet to get the data and then use a Code zap to transform.
I am going to do my duty of saying the way I figured it out/fixed it.

  • Schedule
  • Lookup sheet rows (Created a column with identical data to force all rows to appear)
  • Loop
  • Digest
  • Filter (to get out of loop I look for the last loop boolean)
  • Digest recall
  • Slack message

Thanks so much for sharing details of how you solved things here @OoniRick - the Community here greatly appreciates it! 🤗

And a big thank you to @fiona819 and @jayeshkumarbhatia for helping out on this! 🙌

Sounds like you’re all good for now, but if anything changes on that please do let us know. In the meantime, happy Zapping! 😁⚡️