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Regfox to Swapcard integration

  • 16 July 2024
  • 4 replies

Hi there, I’m new to doing integrations and I’m trying to send event participants’ data from Regfox to Swapcard.

I managed to link the two applications with API and have tried to build two steps :

1. New Person in Swapcard Organizer (2.0.9)
2. Create Person in Swapcard Organizer
But I am getting stuck in this second step because I am not sure which fields to choose under the sections App & Event and Action.
Under App & Event:
I don’t know if I should select: Create person or Update person
I can only test with one registrant (myself), it’s the only option I get in step 1, but since the Zap seems to have sent my information once to Swapcard, I can’t test further changes with the “Create person” option. I get an error message saying that a person has already been created with the same ID.

So I selected Update person.

And then Under Action:
I’m not sure what to choose for :
- Clientid: several options appear: ID, User Id, Client Ids
- Force update: true or false
Some information seems to be getting sent to Swapcard since I now appear as a participant , and it has listed many internal and external IDs (see screenshot).

I’m doing all this quite blindly so if anyone can guide me on what I should or shouldn’t be doing, I would be incredibly grateful!



Hi @OrianeB 

Try this Zap action step configuration:

  • Action: Swapcard - Find Person
    • Check the checkbox to Create Person if not found


Hi Troy, thanks for replying.

I tried the action step you suggested but got stuck immediately afterwards in the following Actions part.

I have to select fields but don’t know which ones to choose:

Under Search fields the options are: emails, userids, clientids, eventpeopleids

I tried using emails and then linking to Search value: email (it retrieve the email  that I used when registering as an event pariticpant) and all the remaining required fields, but I couldn’t Continue to the next page, it kept saying that some required fields had to be filled out.


This is probably super obvious to people who know a bit about integrations but this is not intuitive to me at all… Any good basic tutorials on the logic that applies to this sort of thing?

Otherwise I will surrender and just add people manually to Swapcard haha.


Any good basic tutorials on the logic that applies to this sort of thing?

Help articles for getting started with Zapier:


Check the field descriptions for guidance about the expected values.


Thank you Troy, I’ll check it out.