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Dear Zapiers, 

I’m new to Zapier, still look through community and didn’t find the answer for the following issue. The task.

First APP - Manychat:
1. In Manychat I have a list of user, who have custom FIELD A - “user_email” with emails entered there;
2. All these users have custom FIELD B - “order number” which is not filled yet.

Second app: Fondy (payment service, where I have merchant account and manage customer orders).
1. When customer pays, he put his email in into a customer FIELD C: “sender_email”.

2. When payment is done it order id is set to it.

What I want is when someone makes payment, Zappier found a User in Manychat by comparing FIELD A and FIELD C and modify FIELD B of this user with ORDER ID.

I successfully created a Zap, where triggers is tested and working (via Webhook). This Zap, can find a user by custom field. What should I do, to modify custom field value?

Sincerely yours,


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Hi @Dmytro P
Since this was a little while ago, I wanted to check in to see if you’d managed to solve this or whether you still needed help here. Please let us know!

Hi @Dmytro P! I’m going to re-word your question a bit to make sure I understand it and to make it a bit more clear to others who might stumble upon this.

It sounds like you want to trigger on someone paying you in Fondy, then use the email address from the payer to search ManyChat users. When a user is found in ManyChat you’d like to update a custom field (order number) using data from the payment that you sent from Fondy. Does that sound about right?

If so, have you seen this action offered by ManyChat: 


It should allow you to update the order number field. To indicate which user to update, you would use the Custom Value option in that step and then map the User ID from your search step. So instead of picking a specific user, you’re saying “update the user that I found in my search”. That’s where the custom value comes in.

Would you mind giving that a shot, then let me know what happens?