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Is there any Joomla integration for Zapier?

  • 7 October 2020
  • 6 replies



I wonder if there is any integration with Joomla and also the new Joomla 4 that soon is to be released?



Zapier Apps:

Joomla is listed as UPCOMING

Ok great! Hope it will work with the new great Joomla 4. :grinning:

Hello there is so many integrations for Wordpress & Drupal. When will there being a Joomla 4 coming up?

Hi @Karl22! Joomla hasn’t yet created an integration for Zapier. 

Most new Zapier integrations are actually built by the companies/teams that created the apps themselves. Here’s how new services typically get added to Zapier:


Since you’re already a customer there, you also might encourage their team to add their app to Zapier via our developer platform: 

Requests like this always carry a bit more weight when they come from customers rather than us :)

Hi this is not true.


You Zapier have built & support Wordpress Zapier plugin 


Why cant you do that and support Joomla that is a real free open source project owned by its community as opposed to Wordpress, Drupal.


Joomla doesnt have paid developers like Wordpress (Mautic..) so this will never happend without your support as catalysator.

Hi @Karl22, you’re right that we sometimes build integrations though the majority of app integrations on Zapier are built by the team that owns the app. 


We do have a list of apps that our users have requested and I’ve added your vote for Joomla.